Year 3 Boys Football Tournament
The Year 3 boys football team enjoyed taking part in a tournament against other local schools this week. They all played really well and were a credit to our school and themselves. They all worked together and did their best in each game. They scored some goals and made some great saves! All of them came back to school full of smiles and enjoyment and are looking forward to getting to play again in the future!
Term Dates for 2025/2026
The term dates for the next academic year are now available on the school website and online calendar. If you are booking summer holidays for example, please can you make sure that you have checked the dates to ensure that your child is able to attend school on the correct dates.
PSA Support for the School
Thank you to our amazing Parent Staff Association (PSA) for their continued support. This week the SEN Department received some items from their wish list which will be used to support children across the school. All the support to ensure that our children have access to the best possible resources is very much appreciated.
The Butterfly Group
Support sessions for Parents
Helping adult and child relationships following a challenging time or event.
- Have you experienced a difficult time in your life?
- Through bereavement, relationship breakdown or other traumatic events.
- Has this impacted on your relationship with your child?
- Is your child experiencing difficulties with their behaviour?
- How can you reduce yours and your child’s anxiety?
- Build stronger relationships with your child?
If you can relate to any of the above. Our 5-week course may be for you.
It aims to help parents:
- Recognise how difficult events and trauma can affect children.
- Understand what may be behind a child’s behaviour
- Build healthy relationships between adults and children
- Understand what anxiety is
- How to have difficult conversations with your child
Please complete the expression of interest form:
A member of the Children’s Centre team will be in contact with you
Starting Thursday 27 February - 10.00am to 12.00pm - Tolworth Children’s Centre
School Lane, KT6 7QJ - 020 8339 9848
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, see you next week.
Ian Hutchings