Summer Term Clubs
You should have already received an email today with details of the clubs that will be running for the Summer Term. Sign up opens on your Arbor account from 18:00 today. It is great to see some new clubs on offer - hopefully there will be lots of interest and new skills learnt! I'm looking forward to seeing the choir, badminton players and maypole dancers in action!
Playground supervision before and after school
Please can I remind all parents and carers that before the start of school, children should remain under the close supervision of their parents/carers. From the time that the gates open at 8:30 until the classroom doors open at 8:45, children should be carefully supervised. The playground is busy at this point with many adults and younger siblings, it is not safe for chasing games and lots of running around in the playground.
Linked to this is a reminder that there should be no ball games or use of any of the climbing or play equipment either before or after school - this includes the trikes and bikes. Please can you support your child to make the right decisions about their conduct on the school grounds at the start and end of the day - thank you.
'Helping children with...' series of webinars for parents
Achieving for Children’s Mental Health Support Teams are delivering a series of webinars for parents of primary aged children. The ‘Helping Children with …’ series of webinars will cover a range of common difficulties experienced by children and will aim to share evidence-based strategies to help parents and carers support their children with these difficulties. Below is a list of webinars on offer over the coming months with a link to sign up to each session.
It has been such a busy week with all the fantastic learning and visits taking place. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who have supported all the activities and enabled them to take place - we wouldn't be able to offer the children such amazing experiences without your engagement - thank you!
Have a great weekend.
Ian Hutchings