Spring Term Parent Consultations
The second week back after half-term is our Spring Term parent consultations for Years 1 to 6. They are taking place between 15:30 and 18:30 on Tuesday 4th March and Thursday 6th March. We very much hope that everyone is able to attend a meeting. If you are unable to attend any of the available slots, please speak directly to your child’s class teacher to arrange to meet at a mutually convenient time. All the consultation meetings will be taking place in the classrooms and books will be available to view ahead of the meetings in the internal hallways so please can you wait for your appointment inside, all the external doors will be open. Bookings open on your Arbor account at 19:00 this evening.
Year 6 Junior Citizenship

Year 6 did a great job this week when they attended the Junior Citizenship event held at Chessington World of Adventures. They were able to hear presentations and take part in scenarios from the emergency services and other organisations to teach them about safety and being a responsible citizen. The feedback from the children was excellent and they have learnt some valuable life skills along the way. Well done Year 6.
Time to Thrive

Children's Centre Half-Term Activities
Please follow the link above to access all the activities and events that the local Children's Centres are putting on over the half-term break. There are stay and play sessions, Junior Jammers Music Makers Workshops, Rhymetimes, Crafty Tales and much more.

For more information, or to enrol, contact Lauren Dacorro:
For questions, concerns, complaints on participant rights, contact Dr. Stone Hsieh (s.hsieh@kingston.ac.uk).
Next week is the final week of the half-term, we finish for the holiday at the normal times on Friday 14th February and school starts again on Monday 24th February.

Ian Hutchings