Scooters and bikes
Please can I remind everyone that as soon as you enter the school gates, scooters and bikes should be pushed and not ridden. We need to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone in the school grounds at this time. There have been a few incidents reported to me so please can we all try to work together to avoid any injuries.
PE Uniform Expectations
Since the start of term we have done a lot of reminders about the school uniform requirements and our ambition for everyone to look as smart as possible at all times. This has worked with the main uniform, but there are still quite a few children wearing the incorrect PE kit. On the days when your child has PE, they should come to school wearing black shorts or jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt or polo-shirt and their green school sweatshirt. Please can we all make an extra effort next week to make sure that the correct PE kit is worn - if you have any problems with sourcing the correct kit, please speak to a member of staff and we’ll try to assist you.
PSA Reception Film and Fun Event
Next Friday straight after school, the PSA are holding a welcome event for our new Reception classes. Parents and children are invited into the main hall to take part in some fun activities whilst watching a short film. If you are interested in attending, your child will have brought home today a form to complete and return to confirm your attendance - further details can be seen in the poster below.
Attendance - Fixed Penalty Notices
As you may have read in the press or heard from parents with children in other schools, there has been a change in the legislation around penalties for parents whose children are absent from school for unauthorised reasons. As a school, we are now expected to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) to any family who has a child with ten sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence in a ten week period. The FPN comes with a fine which costs £80 per child per parent. So for example, if a two parent family with three children in the school took a term-time holiday, the fine would be £480. The funds from the fines do not come to the school but are used by the local authority to support positive attendance across all schools. We are currently working out the best way to incorporate this procedure into our existing attendance policy. As soon as we have further details about how this will work, we will share the policy and procedures with you - any questions, please let me know.
Class Assembly Dates 2024/25
Each class has the opportunity to present to their families a short assembly to showcase their learning and talents. I am pleased to be able to let you know when these are taking place. They will be in the main hall and start at 9:00. The only exception to this will be for Year 6 who are holding a WWII afternoon instead of their class assemblies - parents are invited to join the children from 14:15 to see an exhibition of their learning and to see some of their singing and dancing in action. Please put these dates in your diaries, it would be lovely to have as many of you there as possible. The dates are also on the school online calendar.
What a wet week! Hopefully the weekend will be a bit drier and allow everyone a chance to get out and get some fresh air. See you on Monday.
Ian Hutchings