Year 6 School Journey
Year 6 had an amazing start to the week with their much anticipated residential to Thames Young Mariners. The children, and adults, had a fantastic time paddle boarding, canoeing, raft building and kayaking! Although the children spend most of their time in the water, they learnt new skills and really persevered with some tricky manoeuvres! The forward roll whilst on the paddle board was a particular favourite! In the evenings, we had fun making fires and orienteering ourselves around the site. After all of these actions packed activities, we were definitely ready for our beds (or mats) at the end of the day! The children behaved brilliantly throughout our stay and were a credit to us at King's Oak. Well done everybody!
Healthy Eating Week
It has been lovely this week to see so many children engaging in activities to promote healthy eating. Thanks to everyone who has got involved in this at home too. The week culminated in a healthy eating fair which was held in the new hall and was open to all children in Years 5 and 6. Brite Box set up five stations in the hall to promote the different themes of Healthy Eating Week. There was information shared about exercise, hydration, fibre, eating a rainbow of fruit and vegetables and how to reduce food waste. The children found the sessions really informative, interesting and tasty - the fruit and vegetable kebabs looked very colourful and delicious! Thank you to Brite Box and their team of wonderful volunteers for running this event for us.
PSA Non-Uniform Day
Next Friday, the 21st June is a non-uniform day to generate donations for the bottle tombola at the PSA FUNdraiser the following week. If your child would like to participate, they can wear their own clothes to school in return for the donation of a bottle. These can contain a range of things - anything that you think somebody would like to win - soft drinks, alcohol, sauces, toiletries or squash etc. Thank you in advance for your support with this.
Father's Day / Marvellous Men
To celebrate the role of the significant male figures in your children's lives, today, your child should have come home from school with a kit to share with them to create some iced biscuits. We hope that this is a fun activity to complete and will help to celebrate Father's Day this weekend. These kits have been provided for you all by our brilliant PSA team - thank you to them for this fantastic initiative. To all the dads, uncles, grandads and other significant male figures out there - have a fantastic weekend.
Ian Hutchings