School photographs
On Monday, our school photographers will be here to take the individual and sibling school photographs. We will coordinate throughout the day for all children to have their pictures taken on their own and with any siblings who attend King’s Oak. Please can you take special care to ensure that the correct uniform is worn and give the hair some special attention! If your child normally has PE on Monday, they should attend school in uniform and bring their PE kit with them.
Harvest Collections
This Harvest we’re asking you to help feed local people in crisis by collecting tinned and dried food and hygiene products for Kingston Foodbank. We are asking everyone to rally round to give items such as breakfast cereals, pasta sauces, tinned veg, tomatoes, tinned meat, rice and sponge pudding, UHT milk, squash, household cleaning products, personal hygiene products and sanitary wear. I understand that these are challenging times for us all, but hopefully we can collect a significant amount that will support families in need in our local area. If you have any suitable items to donate, please send them into school during next week and on Friday we will have a harvest celebration and share our collection as a whole school. Thank you in advance for your support with this. You can see below the types of items that are suitable - please nothing fresh or perishable.
PSA Doughnut Sale
On Friday the 21st October we will be holding a snack sale after school, let's start the half-term with a treat!
Featuring none other than Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnuts, popcorn cones and fruit pots. Now if your anything like us, the word doughnut made your eyes light up and your tummy rumble! Below is a list of the prices so you can be sure you have enough change on the day, we are also offering a pre-order option on doughnuts if you want 12 or more!
On the day
Doughnuts are £1 each
Popcorn Cones are 50p
Fruit Pots are 50p
A full box of 12 doughnuts is £10 – all pre-order forms need to be completed (see link below) and the correct payment handed into the office in a named and sealed envelope marked PSA by Friday 14th October. We have listened to feedback from the ice lolly sales in the summer and will be setting up 2 sale points to reduce wait times. The first will be by the old hall and the 2nd will be near the climbing frame by Year 5, this is also where pre-orders can be collected from.
Please complete this order form if you would like a full box. Please remember to collect your treats straight after school on the 21st as we are unable to give refunds.
Parent Consultations
Our parent consultations for the Autumn Term are coming up in a few weeks for children in Years 1 to 6. Both sessions are between 15:30 and 18:30 on Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th October. The only slight variation is for parents with children in 1VB, Miss Bacon is unavailable for the 20th and so has an additional session on Monday 17th October instead. Bookings are made using your ParentMail account - they will open at 20:00 this evening - when you log in you should see the option to book for the correct teachers. We will assume that all bookings are for an in-person consultation unless you indicate in the notes section of the booking that you would prefer a phone or video call meeting. If you have a child in Blossom, please book the appointment with your mainstream teacher and the Blossom team will meet you at a different time around this appointment.
Thank you, have a lovely weekend.
Ian Hutchings