Anti-Bullying Week
This week, we have all been participating in a range of activities to promote the national Anti-Bullying Week. It started on Monday with our odd-sock day and with a whole school assembly on the topic. Classes have continued the theme throughout the week in PSHE lessons and general discussions. The national theme has been about making a noise about bullying to make sure that everyone is safe from this type of behaviour and knows who to turn to if they are feeling worried about something. The children have engaged well with this topic and everyone that I have asked is confident about what to do if they see something happening that they think is wrong.
Children in Need
Thank you everyone for the brilliant response to our charity non-uniform day to raise funds for Children in Need. The children enjoyed the more relaxed feel of the day and we have so far raised over £400 to send off to the appeal. Don't forget that Year 2 who missed out today, as they were on a visit to the Science Museum, can take part on Monday if they wish to.
PSA Film Night - next Friday
Tickets are now on sale for the PSA screening of The Polar Express next Friday between 16:00 and 18:30. The ticket price of £3 includes popcorn and a hot chocolate to help make sure that children are in a festive mood. Please use this link to book your tickets. Drop off and pick-up will be from the fire doors at the back of the Old Hall.
3NB Assembly Date Change
Apologies in advance for any inconvenience but we have had to move the planned 3NB class assembly from next week (24/11/23) to Friday 2nd February 2024. I hope that parents are able to make the new date.
Thank you for your continued support, have a lovely weekend.
Ian Hutchings