Welcome to the end of the first full week back at school. The children have really settled well and I can already see great learning opportunities taking place each day.
Is my child too ill for school?
Since the impact of Covid and all the other infections that have been doing the rounds, it has become increasingly complex for parents to make decisions about whether or not it is appropriate to send your child to school when they are feeling a little unwell. The NHS have produced a helpful guide to help with your decision making - please take a look and bookmark it for future reference.
PSA Coffee Morning
Thank you to the parents from Reception who were able to attend the Parent Staff Association (PSA) coffee morning today. It was great to see everyone and for the interest shown in the upcoming events. You can see what is planned for this term in the flyer below.
Playtime fun
Since the success during the summer of the Lionesses, our girls only Friday football sessions have really taken off. It is great to see the children so engaged and active during their playtimes - well done everyone!
After School Clubs
We are in the process of finalising the club offer for the term ahead. The KS1 and KS2 Football and Multisports clubs will begin next week. Further clubs including coding and indoor athletics will be released next week - please look out for a separate email with further details. If you have not yet booked onto the football clubs, here is the link. If your child qualifies for Pupil Premium, please contact the school office for a code to access a free place.
Stay and Play at King's Oak
Please see the information below regarding the very popular stay and play sessions that take place at King's Oak each Tuesday during term-time. Please share this with friends and family in the local area, it would be lovely to meet new families at these sessions.
Helping Children With….
Achieving for Children’s Mental Health Support Teams are delivering a series of webinars for parents of primary aged children. The ‘Helping Children with …’ series of webinars will cover a range of common difficulties experienced by children and will aim to share evidence-based strategies to help parents and carers support their children with these difficulties. The topics covered include sleep, worries, behaviour and screen time. Please see the document attached with the newsletter link for further information and sign up details. Hopefully you will find this resource helpful and informative.
Hockey Trials
If you are looking for a new sport to engage with this term, please see details below of some free hockey sessions taking place locally in the weeks ahead.
Year group welcome meetings
I hope that you have got the date and times in your diaries for the year group meetings which are taking place next week. I very much hope that you can attend so that you are equipped with all the necessary information to support your child for the term ahead. You can see the dates and times in the calendar below.
Wishing you all a great weekend.
Ian Hutchings