Welcome to the final newsletter of the Spring Term! Hopefully when we get back, the start of the Summer Term will be warm and positive for everyone.
Year 5 Easter Story
On Tuesday this week, our Year 5 children visited the Baptist Church in New Malden for a presentation on the Easter Story. They had a great time and learnt a lot of information. We had some fantastic feedback from the volunteers who were running this event about the excellent behaviour, conduct and intelligent questions that were asked by our pupils. Well done to everyone in Year 5!
Water Bottles
Over the past few weeks we have had a couple of incidents with pupils having glass water bottles in school that have then accidentally been smashed. Please can you ensure that your child has only a plastic or metal reusable water bottle in school each day. Children are encouraged to hydrate regularly and we need to ensure that these bottles cannot cause a danger to others. Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Year 3 tennis project reminder
Earlier this week, parents and carers with children in Year 3 should have received an email about our Summer Term tennis project which will be starting after Easter. This Ten Project will provide tennis coaching in school and family tennis coaching at the weekends too. If you have not yet signed up, please can you remember to do this before the start of the term - thank you. The link is here: https://www.tenproject.org.uk/register
Summer Term School Meals Menu
Our school caterer, Caterlink, have shared with us the menu for the new term. There are some exciting new meal options that I hope you will be encouraging your children to have a try. The menu is rotated over three weeks - on Wednesday of Week One is the Quirky Bird, BBQ or Lemon and Herb Chicken. On Monday of Week Two is a new Mac and Cheese Concept where the children can choose the pasta and then choose their own toppings. In Week Three there is a new Greek Chicken Pitta or Spinach and Cheese Whirl. All of these dishes alongside the regular favourites such as fish and chips of the popular roast day. The new menu is below or you can download it from the meals section of the school website.
PSA Treat Sale and Easter Egg Hunt
Thanks to our fantastic PSA for running the brilliant end of term treat and uniform sale this afternoon. It was great to see so many people participating and the children and adults enjoying the fun and food. As well as providing a positive end to the term, they raised an enormous £321 to support our school - great work everyone!
I hope that you all have a restful and enjoyable Easter break and look forward to seeing you all for the start of the new term. Reception to Year 6 start back on Tuesday 18th April, Pre School on the 19th April and Nursery on the 21st April.
Ian Hutchings