NEU Strike Action
Thank you for your understanding with the disruption caused by the two days of strike action this week. I am pleased that today the government and unions have begun some talks which will hopefully lead to a resolution to this dispute and ultimately better funding for our schools. As part of these talks the NEU has announced that no further strike dates will be released for two weeks to create a period of calm whilst the negotiations are taking place. I will keep you updated if I receive any further information on this dispute.
Year 1 Phonics Workshop for Parents
On Wednesday 22nd March the phonics team will be holding a short 15 minute workshop for parents with children in Year 1. There are two options for you to choose - 9:00am or 2.45pm, both will take place in the spare Year 1 classroom. The workshop will focus on the government Phonics Screening Check that takes place in Year 1 and will give you helpful activities and guidance on how to support your child at home and how we will be preparing in school for it. If you have any questions, please ask your class teacher or Miss Bacon.
Free Online Maths Course for Speakers of Other Languages
This course helps adults whose first language is not English gain confidence with maths.
Times - Wednesday 12.35pm to 2.35pm
Dates - 19th April 2023 to 24th May 2023 (6 session course)
To book a place please follow this link. Further details are in the flyer below.
Thank you for your ongoing support, wishing you all a great weekend.
Ian Hutchings