Welcome to the start of the new academic year. A very successful first week has been tinged with sadness as we learnt about the death of Queen Elizabeth II. We have talked about this briefly in assembly this morning and we will let you know our more formal plans to celebrate her life when the official funeral details are announced. Each class has today spent some time talking about the Queen and her life and significance - year groups will plan age appropriate activities in the weeks ahead to support the children with understanding this historic period in our nation.
This week the newsletter is in a new format that links directly to content from our new website. This is still a work in progress so please bear with us as final content is added. I hope that you will find the new site easier to navigate and more useful with relevant information and content. You will be able to access information about your child’s year group from the site and see dates and planned events in the calendar. If you have any feedback or notice anything that is missing, please let me know.
Parent Workshop - Separation Anxiety
On Tuesday next week at 9:00 in the old hall, our Well Being Practitioner, Gaby, will be running a session for parents on separation anxiety. This is a very useful session and could be particularly relevant at this time of year when children are adjusting to being back at school after a lengthy period of time with their parents and carers. I hope that many of you will be able to attend.
Parent/Carer Survey Reminder
At the end of last term I sent out a link to the annual parent/carer survey. I think that for some of you, this might have got missed in the heat and mayhem of the end of term! As we have had a low response rate, I am keeping it open for a further period of time to allow anyone who hasn’t yet completed it the chance to do so. Here is the link: CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY - I’d be very grateful for any feedback so that we can work together to make King’s Oak even better.
Year Group Welcome Meetings
You can see the dates in the diary for the welcome meetings which are scheduled for the week after next. These meetings are a chance for you to find out more about the curriculum content of the year ahead as well as information about regular activities and homework. I hope that many of you are able to attend. The Year 6 meeting will be held in the evening as we have a large amount of content to cover including our school journey, sats and secondary transfer. Should there be a bank holiday called for this week we will reschedule the meetings as necessary.