Well Being
We want King’s Oak to be a place where everyone can feel safe and supported. Children’s welfare is our priority and all staff work together to support children who lack confidence or need additional support.
In addition to weekly PSHE lessons, we offer additional social skills support for some children.
We have strong links with our local community e.g. nurses, secondary schools, the Fire Brigade and Police and we are lucky enough to have a number of volunteers who come into school and offer extra support in the form of mentoring, supporting extra learning and reading with and to children.
Arts and Social Development Programme: Over the course of the year children have opportunities to enjoy a range of performances by, and workshops with, professional musicians, actors and artists.
Buddy System: When children are new to our school having joined us mid year, we will ensure that they are ‘buddied up’ with a child in their year group who will show them around and support them during the first few weeks.