Blossom Green & Red
We have two classes in Key Stage 2 Blossom – Blossom Red and Blossom Green, with 18 pupils in total across the two classes. Blossom pupils are also part of a mainstream class in either Year 3, 4, 5 or 6. Most of the Blossom children have core subjects (English, Maths, Phonics, Guided Reading) in the Blossom classrooms, where there are specialist adults to support them through the use of targets, visuals and reduced language.
The children in Blossom also have special lessons with the Speech and Language Therapist or the Occupational Therapist and are always working hard towards their individual targets. The rest of the curriculum is studied in their mainstream classrooms. This will usually be in the afternoons where they will access the non-core lessons such as P.E., R.E., computing, history, geography and science. There may be times where the children also attend sessions in the morning. The children will take part in all assemblies, workshops, visits and trips with their mainstream year group, so please also check out their relevant mainstream year group so you can find out what they will be learning in non-core subjects and topics and when trips are taking place.