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Year 2

Phonics, English and more...

This week, the children have been learning the /ee/ sound and it's different spellings. Today, they used their knowledge of the /ee/ sound to write dictated sentences. 

In English, the children had fun having their own Mr Gumpy's Tea Party, to celebrate the end of the book. Since then, they have enjoyed reading our new text. It is called Poles Apart. They have made predictions, written descriptive sentences and acted out scenes from the book. 

In RE, they learnt about Judaism and Shabbat.

Following on from our last computing lesson, the children enjoyed learning to touch type. You might like to encourage some practise at home. We used a website called


Next week we will be learning about Hinduism in RE, carrying on with Poles Apart in English, looking at addition and subtraction of two numbers bridging through 10. In computing, we will be looking at E-Safety.