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Year 2

A New Academic Year '24-25 - Year 2

What a beginning to the new academic year!

The children have settled in very well and are all very eager to come into class in the mornings. 

This week, we have been recapping the school rules, learning the routines and expectations in Year 2 and getting to know each other. 

In maths, we have been recapping the 10 ness of 10. Looking at how multiples of 10 can be represented. Next week, we will be looking at using multiples of 10 in number sentences, a number line, and adding and subtracting multiples of 10. 

We have been learning to draw self-portraits in art, concentrating on improving from our first draft by listening to the constructive feedback of our peers. Today we used our observation skills, to colour our portraits, taking care with our skin tone and eye colour. 

In geography, we learnt about tally charts and bar charts, and used these to collate and interpret information on how each child travelled to school. 

Next week, we will be concentrating on learning our 'Tails' poem by AA Milne. This was sent home at the beginning of the Summer Holidays, and the children should have already started learning it. Please make sure you help your child learn it as they will be performing it at the end of the month. Here it is, just in case you've misplaced it.