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Year 2

English, maths and more...

We have had such a busy week, starting with an amazing performance at the Rose Theatre. If you were able to come and watch, I hope you would agree that the children did an amazing job performing all of their songs. Thank you for your support. 

This week we have been studying a new book. The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl. So far, the children have enjoyed making predictions, describing the crocodile and creating a wanted poster. He is such a beastly brute!

In maths, the children have been looking at reading different types of scales, recognising the dividend and divisor and learning how the divisor affects the quotient.

In art, the children used the first colour mixed colour to paint their owl block print. They were really striking. Next week, we will try adding a contrasting colour and printing over the top of the base colour.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Country Dancing Festival on Tuesday 24th June at Kingsmeadow.