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Year 2

English, Maths & dates for your diary

The children have been writing about George's grandma this week and learning how to write events in order. They have been using their acting skills to act out what happened to Grandma when she took a spoonful of the medicine George had made for her. 

In maths, they have been learning to use the 5 and 10 times tables to solve problems and find the quotient.

Dates for your diary

14th June - 2AC Class Assembly at 9am

18th June - KMS Singing Festival at the Rose Theatre 2pm start

Tickets available here

Tickets will be priced at £12 standard and £8 concessions.

W/B 24th June - Scholastic Book Fair outside the New Hall (exact times to be confirmed)

25th June - Country Dancing Festival at King's Meadow 9am onwards. Please feel free to bring a picnic to eat with your child/ren