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Year 2

DT, English and more...

In maths this week, the children have been consolidating their knowledge of the 2, 5, and 10 times tables, looking at doubling and halving, and they have also been looking at division stories. 

In English, they have carried on learning about the Tear Thief and have written an independent piece of work, describing the tear thief. In this piece, they needed to include expanded noun phrases, adverbs, adjectives, time adverbials and suffixes -ly, -less. Some of their descriptions have been very good. 

During our DT lessons, we looked at vehicles and particularly their axels. Next week, the children will start making their moving vehicle to help the tear thief transport her tears from place to place.

Next week, the children will be learning about using multiplication and division facts to solve problems.

They will be continuing to write descriptions, in English, of the tear thief's tears and another of the moon.

During RE lessons, the children will be looking at the Church and Synagogue, comparing places of worship.


Final plea for cardboard boxes; small shoe boxes, children's smoothie boxes, small cereal boxes... without these we cannot make our vehicles, the children ideally need one each. Please rummage through your recycling to see if you can help. Thank you!