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Year 5

Our learning this week.

This week, we have been looking at the expectations in our core subjects. We came up with ideas of what should be expected and how best to present our work as well as looking at ourselves as readers, writers and mathematicians. While continuing to learn how to work best as a team,through playing a game where we had to use large sheets of paper to ‘cross the lava’, we evaluated our team work skills and looked at our emotions; how our facial expressions could show how we feel and how we could support our friends in these situations. 

Using our best presentation skills, we wrote a postcard - ‘all about me’ - which we are going to put in a display in our corridor. We ensured our handwriting and letter formation was our best and they turned out really well. 

In our first topic lesson, we looked at some timelines which could be used in everyday life such as timetables, a timeline for a wedding day and our daily schedule in the classroom.  We discussed the large timeline displayed in our room and looked at the different eras and events shown, alongside learning the vocabulary used when talking about this. Following that, we worked in pairs to put a timeline together making sure it was in chronological order. 

Next week, we are starting cricket coaching for our P.E. lesson on a Thursday so P.E. will be on a Monday and a Thursday.