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Year 6

French and Art 

In art and French we have researched and written a profile for the French artist Souleymane Keita. We applied our learning of French to write in full sentences about his appearance, date of birth, country of birth and other interesting facts.  In science, we have completed our visual representations of the journey of a red blood cell and presented these to the class. 

In maths we have been examining real life payment methods and exploring the differences between needs and wants in everyday life. We have looked at a case study for a family’s budget and then decided whether to pay outgoings by debit or credit card, exploring the benefits and drawbacks of different methods. 

Next week, we will: 

  • Be designing a piece of artwork based on Souleymane Keita 

  • Explore different types of bank account 

  • Continue to learn about the Silk Road in topic