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Year 6

English and topic 

Our rehearsals are in full swing for our end-of-year show - Robin and the Hoodies. Please could we have costumes in school by Monday 8th July ready for dress rehearsals.

In English, we have written diary entries from the perspective of the head game maker in the Hunger Games making sure that we have used: past tense, first person, paragraphs, chronological order, emotions and thoughts, year 5-6 words, time conjunctions, adverbials and our targets. We have considered the same event from two different character’s perspectives and have debated feelings and thoughts about the event from the book. 

In topic, we have continued to look at the spread of Islam in Ancient Baghdad, mapping the growth as well as debating and ordering potential reasons for the growth of the religion. We have considered the advancements of the time and how messages and beliefs were recorded, shared and adapted. 

Next week we will be: 

  • Taking part in a sports morning on Friday, 

  • Creating character profiles in guided reading, 

  • Considering the positive and negative emotions that may arise when we are online.