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Year 6

English, guided reading and rehearsals. 

This week we have begun rehearsing for our end of year production. We had time to learn a small part of the script before auditioning for roles. Over the next few weeks, we will be busy learning the lyrics to songs as well as learning our lines off by heart. 

In English and guided reading, we have continued to read The Hunger Games and have tracked a character’s emotions throughout a chapter by constructing an emotions graph before writing a diary entry from their perspective. In this part of the book, tributes are dressed in costumes based on where they live and are paraded in front of a crowd before they begin training, so we have used details from the book to help us design costumes for tributes. 

Next week we will be: 

  • Writing from the perspective of a red blood cell in science, 

  • Continuing to rehearse for our production, 

  • Analysing sources and questioning their validity in topic, 

  • Beginning athletics in P.E.