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Year 6 week beginning 3rd June

English and Science 

In English this week we have closely examined the key event of the Reaping ceremony from the Hunger Games. As part of this, we have written thought bubbles from the perspectives of the two main characters (Effie Trinket and Katniss Everdeen). Working collaboratively, we performed a series of freeze frames to further empathise with characters as well as understand the order of events.

In science, we have started our new learning all about the human circulatory system. We have begun to look at the components of blood and their functions and next week we will be looking at the structure and function of the human heart.  

We are very much looking forward to our school journey next week to Thames Young Mariners!

When we get back we will all be: 

  • Writing news reports about the Reaping 

  • Focusing on fielding skills in cricket 

  • Designing our own websites to advertise a product or service