Year 2
Year 2 at King’s Oak is an action-packed year. Our learning revolves around a number of humanities-based topics. Initially, we learn about the world around us through an exploration of where we come from in the wider world, exploring this with maps, atlases and globes. We also conduct geography fieldwork in the local area and compare our local area with an area in Peru. Other topics focus on the history of early aviators (with a trip to Brooklands Museum) and pirates (with an exciting pirate workshop) - where we link history, geography, design technology and art and design.
Our English and guided reading texts are linked to our topics and include - Mr Gumpy’s Outing, Mrs Armitage on Wheels, The Tear Thief, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack and the Baked Beanstalk, Paddington and George’s Marvellous Medicine. We write recounts, diaries and letters and create wanted posters and recipes. Art and Dt are also linked to our main topics and texts and include observational drawings, pastels and paintings of fruit and wire sculptures of the Tear Thief. We continue with daily phonics sessions using the Sounds~Write approach which supports our spelling and handwriting. In maths, we focus on deepening our knowledge of two-digit numbers so that we become flexible with a variety of addition and subtraction methods. We also focus on learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and division facts, so we can recall them by the end of the year. We also learn to tell the time to at least the nearest 15 minutes and to use different coins to make the same amounts. In computing the children are reminded about internet safety and go on to learn simple coding, which they really enjoy. Our science topics are: animals and other humans, plants, uses of everyday materials and living things and their habitats. We have a trip to London Wetlands linked to our work in science.
In Year 2, like all of the other year groups, we focus on the King’s Oak learning habits to ensure children develop transferable learning habits which they can use in any learning context. Towards the end of the year, children in Year 2 have SATs which are used to support teacher assessment at the end of KS1.