Blossom Blue
Blossom Blue is slightly different to the other classes. We only have 9 children and these children are from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The children attend lessons and have relevant learning experiences in maths and English in Blossom Blue. The children will have lessons that are appropriate for their level of learning.
This year in Blossom Blue the Year 1 and 2 children will be using the following text’s for their English lessons: Owl Babies, Bog Baby, Ravi’s Roar, Whatever Next, Beegu and Billy’s Bucket. We follow the SoundsWrite phonics scheme in Blossom Blue to support the children’s reading, spelling and handwriting.
The rest of the curriculum is studied in their mainstream classrooms. This will usually be in the afternoons where they will access the non-core lessons such as P.E., R.E., computing, history, geography and science. There may be occasions where the children also attend sessions in the morning. The children will take part in all assemblies, workshops, visits and trips with their year group.
Please also read the page for your child’s relevant mainstream year group as this will give information about non-core subjects and the topics that will be covered throughout the year and also information regarding trips and visits.