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Year 6

Welcome back Year 6

It has been fantastic to see all the smiling faces of Year 6 coming through the classroom door this week! They all look so smart - thank you to all the parents/carers who have spent so much time making sure their children's uniform is correct. It really makes a difference. We have been looking at many different things we can use throughout the year to help us with our learning. We have been learning about self-regulation and making our own regulation tool kit to make sure we have strategies to keep us on task. We have been learning how to "fill our cup". This is all about looking after our mental wellbeing. We have thought about different things we can do each day to "fill our cup". We are looking forward to seeing you all next Tuesday at 6pm for our Welcome to Year 6 meeting. We will discuss choosing secondary schools, looking ahead to SATs and sharing information about the residential trip in the summer term.