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Year 2

English and more...

This week the children have been focussing on sentence structure in English. They have been using colourful semantics to support this. They have looked at; 'who', 'where', 'what doing' and 'when' and then they have also looked at adding the 'how'. After they had written their coloured cards they were then able to rearrange them in different ways to make their sentences. The silent, ghostly Tear Thief, crept sneakily along the grey, slippery pavement, at midnight.

In maths, the children have been concentrating on multiplication and division facts, so if 2x5=10, then 10 divided by 2 =5. 

In DT the children have been looking at designing a vehicle for the Tear Thief to transport her tears. They, therefore, have looked at wheels and axles and how these can be fixed or free. They will be making a mock-up of their design with paper and card this week and then, hopefully, next week they will have wheels, dowels and rubber bearings to create a real axle for their vehicle. 

Please can we ask for donations of small boxes (tea bag boxes, smoothie pouch boxes, small cereal boxes etc) to help the children with this DT project. Thank you.